Thursday, January 31, 2008

AWP Day 1

The editors of Vibrant Gray have convened in New York, for the time being, for the annual AWP conference. I do believe it is the first time in almost two years that we have been in the same location at the same time. But that is beside the point. We have come to AWP to support the journal and sell the VG Chapbook (featuring Deborah Poe, Kristin Bird, Katy Acheson, David LaBounty, Caroline Berger and J.D. Smith). If you are hanging around AWP definitely drop by our table and pick up one of the books. They’re just two dollars which is way cheaper than anything else you’ll find in the book fair. And after AWP we’ll bump the price all the way up to three dollars.

So how do you find us? They put us in the back on the third floor so it’s kind of a trek from the lobby and all of the more “established” journals on the first floor but it is definitely worth the trip. While you are stopping by the Vibrant Gray table check out our poetry editor’s (Craig Perez) table for Achiote Press.

Our second issue is just almost up and running. Laura and I are sitting around in Brooklyn looking at the mock-up that our web designer is putting together. Hopefully the website will be ready to go by tomorrow morning. We have some really great contributing writers again and we hope to get some feed back on the journal.

Also, keep checking out the blog because we are planning to add some new features. One thing we want to do is put up some recorded readings of our featured work. Deborah Poe has promised to send us a video of her reading “Fragile Magnets” which should be really good. And if any of our other writers want to send us videos of their readings, go right ahead. We would love to have them. Laura and I will keep checking in, we are just sitting behind the booth all day so we should have plenty of time to keep people updated about the AWP madness going on.